What Is Correlativity?

The renowned scientist, Stephen W. Hawking in his book, A Brief History of Time, states “we already know the laws that govern the behavior of matter under all but the most extreme conditions. In particular, we know the basic laws that underlie all of chemistry and biology. Yet we have certainly not reduced these subjects to the status of solved problems; we have, as yet, had little success in predicting human behavior from mathematical equation!.” Even though, the behavioral sciences have been developed during the 20th century but we have not yet reached the unification of the human behavioral sciences. Today, however, with the Theory of Correlativity(the word is derived from Correlation,the reason we could study how human behave is because of the existence of four fundamental forces (or interactions) namely Strong Nuclear Force, Electromagnetic Force, Gravitational Force, and Weak Nuclear Force), Hew Yon Long succeeded in applying mathematical equation into human behavior study – a subject which he had spent twenty five years researching and studying.

Correlativitycomprises the laws and concepts of Cosmology, Geography, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Newton’s Gravitational Law, Einstein’s Relativity, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, Watson-Crick’s Double Helical DNA, I-Ching (Yi Jing), Ba Zi, and Zi Wei Dou Shu. Correlativity is a brand new human behavioral theory that is based on ancient discoveries and modern sciences. Correlativity theory can identify human characteristics as well as can sequence human behavior, or simply called Human Behavioral Sequencing. Human Behavioral Sequencing enables a person to display different messages based on his/her previous actions taken as well as determine the messages displayed in subsequent exposures. Human Behavioral Sequencing is divided into two categories, Macroview Human Behavioral Sequencing (or in short Macroview Sequencing) and Microview Human Behavioral Sequencing (or in short Microview Sequencing). Applications of Correlativity involve Strategic Planning, Psychological Counseling, Predictive Diagnostics, etc.